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大厨教你做麻婆豆腐《Chinese Chef Teaches You to Cook Mapo Tofu》

麻婆豆腐,它来自民间,出身草根,是一道典型的四川名菜,让所有的中国人熟知。不记得是哪位大咖说过,"越是民族的,便越是世界的",好像是马尔克斯吧,这有待考证,但我敢说他肯定吃过麻婆豆腐。为此,麻婆豆腐便成了中餐美食走向全世界的名片,也是外国人了解中餐美食的敲门砖。       MapoTofu ( spicy hot bean curd) comes from the folk in the countryside. It is a typical Sichuan famous dish, letting all Chinese people know it quite well. I can't remember which famed person said, "the more national, the more international," as if he is Marquez, this remains to be proven, but I dare to say that he must have eaten Mapo Tofu.To this end, Mapo Tofu has become a business card for Chinese food to go to the world, and it is also a key for foreigners to learn about Chinese cuisine.

  我不是四川人,但这并不代表我做的麻婆豆腐不正宗,要知道,我们湖南人吃辣椒比起四川人来可毫不逊色。好了,别光说不练,今天看我小试牛刀。       I am not a person from Sichuan, but this does not mean that the Mapo Tofu I cook is not authentic. You have to know that the people of Hunan are not inferior to Sichuan people. Okay, don't just talk about it. Look, let me try for you today.

原材料:清水豆腐三块,郫县豆瓣酱、花椒粉、豆豉、葱花、蒜蓉,姜米、盐、味精、白糖、酱油、料酒、水淀粉、牛肉沫儿(素食者可以不放,绿党成员自便)Raw materials:  three pieces of clear water Tofu,  bean paste of PI county, Chinese prickly ash, lobster sauce, chopped green onions, mashed garlic, ginger grains, salt, monosodium, white sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine, water starch, mashed beef (vegetarians can  not put, the green party members help yourself)

  操作:将豆腐改刀切成1厘米见方的小块,放清水中浸泡。Operation: Cut the bean curd into 1 -cm squares, and then soak them in water.

炒锅上火,将水和豆腐一起倒入锅中,放少许盐,待开锅后全部倒回盆中待用。Heat up the pan and pour the water and theTofu into the pan. Put a little more salt in it ,and when boiling,pour them back into the basin for stand-by.

炒锅洗净烧热,放50克油,下牛肉沫儿,豆瓣酱一起煸炒,调小火,待炒至出香,出红油后加姜米、蒜蓉、豆豉、烹料酒,放半勺清水,把待用的豆腐控水入锅,放少许盐、味精、白糖,一点酱油着色,水淀粉勾芡收汁,出锅,撒上花椒粉,葱花即可。Wash and hot frying pan, put 50 grams of oil, mashed beef , saute bean paste, adjust the small fire, when stir-frying until fragrant is out, put the red oil, add ginger grains, mashed garlic, lobster sauce, cooking wine, then put half a ladleful of water, put the water of Tofu away and put them into the pot, put a little salt, monosodium , white sugar, a little soy sauce for color, thicken with water starch flour sauce, have them out of the pot, and then sprinkle Chinese prickly ash, chopped green onion, that's ok.

  是不是很简单,物美价廉,也没有过高的刀功要求,唯一需要的只是你喜欢上中餐的热情。为了确保成功无虞,最好一起买上六块豆腐。  一盘麻辣鲜香的豆腐,简直太诱人了。说一句份外的话,麻婆豆腐的最佳搭配主食是白米饭,这个小秘密你在谷歌搜索引擎上都找不到。如果你非要配一盘薯条,当然,这没什么大问题,我只是不能保证你的中国朋友不会笑话你。          It is simple, cheap and inexpensive, and there is no excessive demand for the cutting skill. The only thing is your passion for Chinese food.To ensure success, you'd best buy six pieces of Tofu once.     A dish of spicy hot Tofu is simply too tempting. In another word, the best combination of Mapo Tofu is white rice, you can't find the little secret on the Google search engine. If you want to have a plate of chips with it, of course, it's not a big deal, you can do, but I can't guarantee that your Chinese friends won't laugh at you!

  中国有句俗话,"心急吃不了热豆腐"。刚出锅的麻婆豆腐会非要烫嘴,一定要慢慢吃,对于正在热恋中的朋友们,正好不失为和Ta多些时间待在一起的借口。祝好胃口,愿您的生活就像这盘麻婆豆腐一样,有滋,有味。        There is a saying in China, that is "You are too eager to eat hot Tofu".The newly cooked Mapo been curd  is too hot to eat eagerly, but you must eat slowly.But for the friends who are in love, it is an excuse to spend more time with them. Wish you a good appetite. May your life be delicious like this dish of Mapo Tofu.




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